Jag ska bara varna er att det blev riktigt dåligt så hata inte för mycket och snälla överse alla stavfel.


You let me down :(

Wait, how did he get my number? Nobody knows my number except maybye my parents but they doesn't count.

How did you get my number? I just want to know so it won’t happen again with somebody I don’t know, or worse, Mia gets my number.

Guess, he texts back after a few seconds.

I wouldn’t ask you if I already knew.

Too bad that I won’t tell you then, he wrote.


Because you promised me something and you broke it. I had promised I would be there but… Okay, I can’t come up with a good excuse.

I’ll be there in ten. Now I will have to run all the way to school. Why didn’t I write twenty?



“Come on, where are you?”

I’ve been here half an hour and I haven’t found him yet. I’ve searched throug the whole old part of school.

“I know that you are here somewhere”, I practically scream out.

“You’re right. I’m just enjoying the show”, he says behind me.

“Ha ha, really funny, now tell me”, I say.

“No, not yet.” Why can’t he just tell me!!! I really don’t have time with this. I’m going to have a ‘feel sorry for Emma because she is all alone’ party that consists of me, alone in my room with music in my ears. 

“Seriously? Again? Didn’t we do this yesterday?”

“Yes we did!” He sounds pleased with himself.

“I really should go now”, I say and pick up my bag that I had laid down on the floor.

“Sure”, he says when I’m on my way out. “Just remember that I know your number and if you go now nothing can stop me from giving it away. That’s why you came in the first place. Right?”

How did he know that?

“But if you stay I can consider to tell you like I did with the keys and look how that turned ut.”

“Okay, I will stay but it’s just because I want to know why.” Let it begin.



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